Borrower (sample ad)

Lonawala, Lonawala, Lonavala, Maharashtra 410403, India
Borrower (sample ad)
Instagram ID: Anuj@insta
Amount you want to borrow(estimated)-

Around INR 20000

Type of mortgage you are willing to provide-Enter into a legal contract, Mobile/laptop/tab/other electronic items
ROI on which your want to borrow(estimated)-max 10 % per year,
Contact number/numbers:

+91 23568798452

I am in need of some financial assistance. Any one/any mobile shop owner who is ready to give me money upto 15 k in exchange of my mobile Samsung note 2 can contact me.
I am in need of this money for just 6 months. I will repay loan amount along with interest in less than 6 months. I can mortgage my mobile for the loan amount and accordingly get it back once I repay your loan.
Phone is in good condition. Till I pay your amount back you can keep my phone and use it.

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